coni´s blog

The country that i would like to visit is Turkey<3

In mi first post, i would like to talk about Turkey, the country that i would like to visit and then, reside there. Turkey is a beautiful country with a population of over 80 million inhabitants. The official language of turkey is turkish, and the official coin is the lira.

capital city of turkey is Ankara. Ankara, Ankara has a lot of museums, one of the most famous, is the museum of atatürk, near there, there is the mausoleum of atatürk and the incredible Kocatepe mosque, all of them have a lot of history, and are very interesting to visit.

 city of turkey, is istambul, wich is the most popullated of the country. Here it is located the best universuty of the country, the university of Istambul (I recognize that it is a dream to study at least one semester at this university, hahaha). This university has a fabulous architecture, in addition to a surprising entrance.

 Turkey, is not a very cheap country, specially in citys like Istambul, but, tourist says it is worth it, especially if we talk about the architectural, natural and historical wonders that this country has. 


  1. Wow! I have to confess that I was really surprised when I rode this. I knew almost anything about Turkey and i've never heard about somebody who would like to live there. Thanks for sharing information about a place that we usually don't know so much.

  2. I've heard that New Year's celebrations in Turkey are awesome !

  3. Amazing, for how you descrived it, I would also like to visit Turkey! I also really like the architecture, I found it beautiful.
    If I ever go there, I would have to take my grandma with me, because she´s a really big fan of the country because of the soap operas she sees! hahah
    I hope you can go there :)


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