馃挗 Dream catchers 馃挗 In this 7th blog, i would like to talk about dream catchers ❀Dreamcatchers are an instrument of medicinal power. Its origin dates back to the ancient AMERICAN Indian tribes (American highlights, since in some people there is a belief that dream catchers arise in India), belonging to the people of the "Ojibwa". ✿ Initially, the ring on which the dreamcatcher is created, was made of willow wood, this represents life and the foundations of nature. The mesh of threads, are the illusions that we are weaving in the time of dreams (in the subconscious plane). In the center of the dreamcatcher, you must be representing "the void", which is the creative spirit. Did you know that dreams are influenced by energies? Bad energies are trapped by the mesh and are expelled by the center at sunrise, attending to the phrase "The bad is blocked and destroyed, the good stays with us" ❁ However, for the Lakota people (who are another indigenous tribe)...