Blog 3: Me in QUARANTINE:0

In this 3rd blog, I would like to talk about how i´m living and surviving this pandemic.The Coronavirus has brought a message for everyone of us... for me, the message is how fragile can be the life and how much we need interact with other to keep a good mental health.
Quarantine has been so hard, be so far away from the people you love, and can´t even hug them, is a very strong proof, but, the worst part of this, is is that when all is over, many people will have lost loved ones because of the covid-19. Thta is why we must respect quarantine, to take care of ourselves, in memory of those who are no longer there and in respect of health personnel around the world. 

well now, how i´m spending my time in quarantine?...
  • First thing, is that i can´t stay at home because of i´m working!, Supermarkets are consideres a basic service, so it is essential for human life and therefore cannot stop working. this, has been a very stressful for me, many coworkers are infected!, and being constantly exposed to contagion is a very serious concern. 
  • When i´m free of work, i must study and "go zoom" to have classes, i don´t like that much! hahaha
  • On weekends, i love watch "sex and the city", my favourite character is Samantha (Kim Catrall), she is just amazing, free, full of life, succesful, beautiful and dreamy.

how have you been spending your time in quarantine?💓


  1. I share with you the feeling of stress caused by being constantly exposed to contagion, just like you, I have to work, but delivering pizzas. Take care of yourself, greetings!


  2. I imagine it must be very difficult for you to go to work every day,
    especially in this context of pandemic, even more when your work is very exposed to contagions, and the academic load of the University does not help much jajajaja!, I hope with all my heart you and your family are well, regards!<3

  3. Life is very difficult these days. I'm really sorry that you have to go out to work in these difficult times; I hope that soon you can stay at home enjoying Sex & the city.

  4. I'm so sorry you have to go to work. I send you all my good energies and hope you can soon stay at home with your family

  5. I really feel you, but I'm glad that you keep trying to survive <3 I send you forces

  6. These situation is very sad for every one, in my house we survived to the covid-19 so it´s no longer a preocupation for us, but it´s very sad because there are to many people dying in the neighborhood,


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